Cutting-edge solutions and accessories for layers and pullets, designed to maximize your system. A wide choice of equipment for layers, from the first day of life until the end of the production process: automated and computerized systems for watering, feeding, egg collection, air conditioning, cleaning and much more.

Your operation is one-of-a-kind. We’re here to stand with you from idea, to installation and beyond. To make sure you have the right system and support for your farm.
Designed to ideally raise your poultry
Designed to ideally raise your poultry
- Feeders
- Feeding trolley
- Watering line
- Stainless steel egg protection profile
Designed to guarantee a high level of productivity

Perfect for hot and humid environments
MONTANA is a system for layers perfect for hot and humid environments, since it is designed to allow good internal ventilation. Also designed for natural ventilation systems, it allows to store the manure in a deep pit. Thanks to the manual management system, semi-automatic or completely automatic, it is easy to manage for a convenient and immediate use.
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